Search code examples

Combining Rows in R with Pivot or Spread?

Here, I am manipulating election data, and the current data is in the following format. Both a visual and coded example are included (while visual is a bit condensed). Moreover, values have been edited from their originals.

# Representative Example
test.df <- tibble(yr=rep(1956),mn=rep(11),
yr   | mn  | sub  | unit_type | unit_name | TotalVotes | RepVotes |  RepCan  | DemVotes | DemCan 
1956   11   Alabama  County    Autauga        1000        500      EisenHower   500     Stevenson
1956   11   Alabama  County    Baldwin        2000       1000      EisenHower   1000    Stevenson
1956   11   Alabama  County    Barbour        3000       2000      EisenHower   2000    Stevenson

I am trying to get a table that looks like the following:

yr   | mn  | sub  | unit_type | unit_name |   pty_n   |   can    |   TotalVotes   | CanVotes
1956   11   Alabama  County     Autauga    Republican   Eisenhower     1000          500 
1956   11   Alabama  County     Autauga    Democrat     Stevenson      1000          500 
1956   11   Alabama  County     Autauga    Independent  Uncommitted    1000            0 
# and etc. for other counties in example (Baldwin, Barbour, etc)

As you can see, I pretty much want three observations per county, where candidates are all in one column, as well as their respective votes in another (CanVotes, or the like).

I have tried using things like pivot_longer() or spread(), but I am having a hard time visualizing these in code. Any help here would be greatly appreciated in sort of reorienting my data to get a candidate column, but also moving the rest of the data with it!


  • Here is a solution that first uses pivot_longer to bring the Votes into a long format. Then I use mutate with case_when to substitute the former column names with the actual candidate names and delete the single candidate columns:

    long_table <- pivot_longer(test.df,
                               cols = c(RepVotes, DemVotes, ThirdVotes),
                               names_to = "pty_n",
                               values_to = "CanVotes") %>% 
      mutate(can = case_when(
        pty_n == "RepVotes" ~ RepCandidate,
        pty_n == "DemVotes" ~ DemCandidate,
        pty_n == "ThirdVotes" ~ ThirdCandidate
      pty_n = case_when(
        pty_n == "RepVotes" ~ "Republican",
        pty_n == "DemVotes" ~ "Democrat",
        pty_n == "ThirdVotes" ~ "Independent"
      )) %>% 
      select(-c(RepCandidate, DemCandidate, ThirdCandidate))
    # A tibble: 9 x 12
         yr    mn sub     unit_type unit_name TotalVotes RepVotesTotalPerc DemVotesTotalPerc ThirdVotesTotalPe~ pty_n      CanVotes can       
      <dbl> <dbl> <chr>   <chr>     <chr>          <dbl>             <dbl>             <dbl>              <dbl> <chr>         <dbl> <chr>     
    1  1956    11 Alabama County    Autauga         1000                50                50                  0 Republican      500 Eisenhower
    2  1956    11 Alabama County    Autauga         1000                50                50                  0 Democrat        500 Stevenson 
    3  1956    11 Alabama County    Autauga         1000                50                50                  0 Independe~        0 Uncommitt~
    4  1956    11 Alabama County    Baldwin         2000                50                50                  0 Republican     1000 Eisenhower
    5  1956    11 Alabama County    Baldwin         2000                50                50                  0 Democrat       1000 Stevenson 
    6  1956    11 Alabama County    Baldwin         2000                50                50                  0 Independe~        0 Uncommitt~
    7  1956    11 Alabama County    Barbour         3000                50                50                  0 Republican     1500 Eisenhower
    8  1956    11 Alabama County    Barbour         3000                50                50                  0 Democrat       1500 Stevenson 
    9  1956    11 Alabama County    Barbour         3000                50                50                  0 Independe~        0 Uncommitt~

    I tried to build a custom spec, but it seems that the names have to be derived from the column names and can't be directly conditional on other columns.