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Alamofire 5 Any In Dictionary

I am trying to make a post request with Alamofire 5. I have to use Dictionary<String, Any> for parameters. Because I am writing a wrapper for Alamofire. But it seems i can't be able to use Any object in a dictionary because Alamofire gives me a compiler error:

Value of protocol type 'Any' cannot conform to 'Encodable'; only struct/enum/class types can conform to protocols

What i've tried:

    let encodedParameters = Dictionary<String, Any>

    AF.request(url, method: .get, parameters: encodedParameters, headers: headers)

Some values will be string others will be integer in my dictionary. So i can't use constant type. How can i resolve this problem?


  • To use the new request, you can create your own structs for your request parameters:

    // you might have...
    struct FooRequestParameters : Codable {
        let paramName1: Int
        let paramName2: String
    // for another type of request, you might have different parameters...
    struct BarRequestParameters: Codable {
        let somethingElse: Bool

    And you can pass a FooRequestParameters(paramName1: 1, paramName1: "hello") instead of your dictionary. This would be the same as passing the dictionary:

        "paramName1": 1,
        "paramName2": "hello"

    The rationale behind this API change is likely to have more safety. With a [String: Any], you could very easily, say, give a String value to a parameter that is supposed to be Int, or type a parameter's name wrongly, or missed some parameters without realising... etc etc.