I need to add to my TreeTableView the content for two columns("Id" and "Workplace"). I don't know how to do it, because I can't get nested value from Manager -> ArrayList. What should I pass in TreeItemPropertyValueFactory if the type of the content can be only String???
The rest of code works OK. I will be grateful for any help.
public void showStaffInTreeTable(){
Employee emp_1 = new Employee("1", "secretary");
Employee emp_2 = new Employee("2", "cleaner");
Employee emp_3 = new Employee("3", "driver");
Employee emp_4 = new Employee("4", "mechanic");
ArrayList<Employee> johnStaff = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(emp_1, emp_2));
ArrayList<Employee> amandaStaff = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(emp_3, emp_4));
Manager john = new Manager("John", johnStaff);
Manager amanda = new Manager("Amanda", amandaStaff);
TreeTableColumn<Manager, String> columnManager = new TreeTableColumn<>("Manager");
TreeTableColumn<Manager, String> columnStaffId = new TreeTableColumn<>("Id");
TreeTableColumn<Manager, String> columnStaffWorkplace = new TreeTableColumn<>("Workplace");
columnManager.setCellValueFactory(new TreeItemPropertyValueFactory<>("managersName"));
columnStaffId.setCellValueFactory(new TreeItemPropertyValueFactory<>
("how to pass here: Manager-> ArrayList<Employess> -> getEmployee -> getId???"));
columnStaffWorkplace.setCellValueFactory(new TreeItemPropertyValueFactory<>
("how to pass here: Manager-> ArrayList<Employess> -> getEmployee -> getWorkplace???"));
TreeTableView<Manager> managers = new TreeTableView<>();
managers.getColumns().addAll(columnManager, columnStaffId, columnStaffWorkplace);
TreeItem managerItem_1 = new TreeItem(john);
managerItem_1.getChildren().addAll(new TreeItem<>(emp_1), new TreeItem<>(emp_2));
TreeItem managerItem_2 = new TreeItem(amanda);
managerItem_2.getChildren().addAll(new TreeItem<>(emp_3), new TreeItem<>(emp_4));
TreeItem root = new TreeItem(new Manager("", new ArrayList<>()));
root.getChildren().addAll(managerItem_1, managerItem_2);
public class Employee {
private String id;
private String workplace;
public Employee(String id, String workplace) {
this.id = id;
this.workplace = workplace;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) {
this.id = id;
public String getWorkplace() {
return workplace;
public void setWorkplace(String workplace) {
this.workplace = workplace;
public class Manager {
private String managersName;
private List<Employee> managersStaff = new ArrayList<>();
public Manager(String managersName, List<Employee> managersStaff) {
this.managersName = managersName;
this.managersStaff = managersStaff;
public String getManagersName() {
return managersName;
public void setManagersName(String managersName) {
this.managersName = managersName;
public List<Employee> getManagersStaff() {
return managersStaff;
public void setManagersStaff(List<Employee> managersStaff) {
this.managersStaff = managersStaff;
You can do
columnStaffId.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> {
TreeItem<?> item = cellData.getValue();
Object data = item.getValue();
if (data instanceof Employee) {
Employee employee = (Employee)data ;
return new SimpleStringProperty(employee.getId());
} else {
return new SimpleStringProperty("");
Note in Java 14 you can simplify this to
columnStaffId.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> {
if (cellData.getValue().getValue() instanceof Employee employee) {
return new SimpleStringProperty(employee.getId());
} else {
return new SimpleStringProperty("");
Your setup is a little weird, as you declare a TreeTableView<Manager>
but some of the items don't contain Manager
s, but Employee
s. So there's no real guarantee you don't get ClassCastException
s thrown in places here, or other errors caused by the TreeItemPropertyValueFactory
trying to call getManagersName()
on an object that isn't a Manager
You might want to refactor so you use a TreeTableView<Object>
, or maybe refactor the model so that Manager
and Employee
are both subclasses of some other class (which you then use as the type for your TreeTableView