Search code examples

Typo3: Where can i get list of TCA types?

I have bodytext and image so like this type of list where can I found? Can I get page list in select box?

$GLOBALS['TCA']['tt_content']['types']['text_image_left'] = [ 'showitem' => ' --palette--;palette.general;general, header, subheader, header_layout,menu, bodytext;bodytext_formlabel, --div--;tabs.images, image, --div--;tabs.appearance, --palette--;palette.frames;frames, --div--;tabs.access, hidden;field.default.hidden, --div--;tabs.extended ', 'columnsOverrides' => ['bodytext' => ['config' => ['enableRichtext' => true]]] ];


  • Hm, not sure if I get your question right. You asked
    1. for a list of TCA types
    2. how to get a list of pages in a select field (?)

    You can find the complete TCA Documentation here:

    Interesting part for you is the [column][*][config] part:

    In order to create a select with a page list, you need following kind of configuration.
    I would suggest to use "group" type for field.

    'page' => [
        'exclude' => true,
        'label' => 'List of Pages',
        'config' => [
            'type' => 'group',
            'internal_type' => 'db',
            'allowed' => 'pages',
            'size' => 1,
            'minitems' => 0,
            'maxitems' => 1,