I need to change the value of MutableLiveData in my ViewModel, but I can't make it because the value is equal to null, I think need to establish an observer change it inside that, but I don't know how to do it and whether it's a good idea.
class AudioRecordersListViewModel() : ViewModel() {
var audioRecordsLiveData: MutableLiveData<MutableList<AudioRecordUI>> = MutableLiveData();
private var audioRecordDao: AudioRecordDao? = null
constructor(audioRecordDao: AudioRecordDao) : this() {
this.audioRecordDao = audioRecordDao
viewModelScope.launch {
val liveDataItems = audioRecordDao
.getAll().value!!.map { item -> AudioRecordUI(item) }
if (liveDataItems.size > 0) {
liveDataItems[0].isActive = true
interface AudioRecordDao {
@Query("SELECT * FROM AudioRecordEmpty")
fun getAll(): LiveData<MutableList<AudioRecordEmpty>>
First of all, using !!
is not a good idea it can easily lead to NullPointer Exception, us ?
You can set an empty list on your LiveData and add new data to that List:
var audioRecordsLiveData: MutableLiveData<MutableList<AudioRecordUI>> = MutableLiveData();
init {
audioRecordsLiveData.value = mutableListOf()
If you need to observe that LiveData:
mViewModel.mLiveData.observe(this, Observer { list ->
if (list.isNotEmpty()) {
//Update UI Stuff
never set your LiveData inside Fragment/Activity
If you need to update your LiveData:
Inside ViewModel:
fun onSomethingHappened() {
mLiveData.value = NEW_VALUE
If you want to update your LiveData from another thread use: