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SICP - exercise 2.63 - determining order of growth

Here is an exercise from SICP (Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs):

Exercise 2.63: Each of the following two procedures converts a binary tree to a list.

(define (tree->list-1 tree)
  (if (null? tree)
        (left-branch tree))
       (cons (entry tree)
              (right-branch tree))))))

(define (tree->list-2 tree)
  (define (copy-to-list tree result-list)
    (if (null? tree)
         (left-branch tree)
         (cons (entry tree)
                (right-branch tree)
  (copy-to-list tree '()))

... 2. Do the two procedures have the same order of growth in the number of steps required to convert a balanced tree with n elements to a list? If not, which one grows more slowly?

Looking at both procedures and without doing any computations for the order of growth, all elementary operations of tree->list-2 are constant, while one of the operation in tree->list-1, append, is not. So it is very clear that tree->list-2 grows more slowly than tree->list-1.

Now, although the exercise did not specifically asks us to do so, I would like to find the order of growth in the number of steps of tree->list-1. The following is my attempt.

The append procedure is:

(define (append list1 list2)
  (if (null? list1)
      (cons (car list1) 
            (append (cdr list1) 

From the definition, the order of growth in the number of steps grows as theta(l1) where l1 is the number of elements in the first list. If two lists has the same length, then the order of growth grows as theta(n/2) where n is the sum of the number of elements of both lists. Based on these, I try to calculate the order of growth of tree->list-1 like this:

Suppose append takes constant time (just for initial), then we will find that the order of growth of tree->list-1 grows as theta(n). Since append is the only procedure that is not constant, I believe I can safely ignore other elementary operations. With the real running time of append, I got the following observations.

Note: The trees in my observations are balanced. So I experimented with the running times by doubling the number of nodes (or incrementing the height of the tree).

0 nodes - constant
1 node - constant
3 nodes - 1 recursive call to append
7 nodes - 5 recursive calls to append (first 2 are from subtrees (above), 3 are from the left branch)
15 nodes - 17 recursive calls to append (10 are from subtrees (above), 7 are from the left branch)
31 nodes - 49 recursive calls to append (34 are from subtrees (above), 17 are from the left branch)
63 nodes - 129 recursive calls to append (98 are from subtrees (above), 31 are from the left branch) ...
n nodes - 2t+(n/2) where t is the number of steps of the subtrees and n is the number of nodes in the tree

My additional observations are: In a completely unbalanced binary tree: If all nodes are in the right branch, the number of steps grows as theta(n). If all nodes are in the left branch, the number of steps grows as something like (1+2+3+4+...+n-1) probably like n(n-1)/2 (I found this formula somewhere). Based on my data, the number of steps in a balanced binary tree grows somewhere in between.

Now, the sequence of number of steps as the number of nodes doubles is: (1, 5, 17, 49, 129). And they grow as (4, 12, 32, 80).

It seems that we get the number of steps of a balanced binary tree with n elements by: 2t+(n/2) where t is the number of steps of two subtrees and n is the number of nodes.

Now for the life of me, I cannot find the classification this order of growth belongs to (E.G. linear, logarithmic, quadratic, exponential) though I have confirmed that this order of growth grows faster than linear and grows slower than quadratic.

Is my data correct? Have I found the order of growth of tree->list-1 as n increases even though I cannot classify it?


  • If you use the definition from the book (1.2.3) then no, neither function has the same order of growth. The book requires a single function which, with the right scaling factors, can act as both an upper and lower limit for the procedure (for sufficiently large values of n).

    I believe the order of growth for tree->list-1 is n*log(n).

    If we treat your t as function giving the number of append steps your formular becomes

    t(n) = (n-1)/2 + 2*t((n-1)/2)

    using n/2 instead of (n-1)/2 for simplicity you formular approximates to:

    t(n) = n/2 + 2*t(n/2)

    using this simplified formular to calculate t(n/2) we get:

    t(n/2) = (n/2)/2 + 2*t((n/2)/2)
           = n/4 + 2*t(n/4)

    substituting this into our calculation of t(n):

    t(n) = n/2 + 2*t(n/2)
         = n/2 + 2*(n/4 + 2*t(n/4))
         = n/2 + n/2 + 4*t(n/4)

    repeating we get:

    t(n) = n/2 + 2*t(n/2)
         = n/2 + n/2 + 4*t(n/4)
         = n/2 + n/2 + n/2 + 8*t(n/8)
         = n/2 + n/2 + n/2 + n/2 + 16*t(n/16)

    I.e., we get a series containing n/2 repeated approximately log2(n) times, (the depth of the tree). that is n/2*log2(n) which has the same order as n*log(n).

    This isn't a very good estimate when n is small but it does appear to work as n grows. The last column shows the error, as a proportion of the actual value, converging to zero (which I think is an equivalent definition).

    depth   items           steps           n/2*log2(n)     |act-est|/act
    1       1               0   
    2       3               1               2               1.377
    3       7               5               10              0.965
    4       15              17              29              0.724
    5       31              49              77              0.567
    6       63              129             188             0.460
    7       127             321             444             0.382
    8       255             769             1,019           0.325
    9       511             1,793           2,299           0.282
    10      1,023           4,097           5,114           0.248
    11      2,047           9,217           11,258          0.221
    12      4,095           20,481          24,569          0.200
    13      8,191           45,057          53,241          0.182
    14      16,383          98,305          114,680         0.167
    15      32,767          212,993         245,752         0.154
    16      65,535          458,753         524,279         0.143
    17      131,071         983,041         1,114,103       0.133
    18      262,143         2,097,153       2,359,286       0.125
    19      524,287         4,456,449       4,980,726       0.118
    20      1,048,575       9,437,185       10,485,749      0.111
    21      2,097,151       19,922,945      22,020,085      0.105
    22      4,194,303       41,943,041      46,137,332      0.100
    23      8,388,607       88,080,385      96,468,980      0.095
    24      16,777,215      184,549,377     201,326,579     0.091
    25      33,554,431      385,875,969     419,430,387     0.087
    26      67,108,863      805,306,369     872,415,218     0.083
    27      134,217,727     1,677,721,601   1,811,939,314   0.080
    28      268,435,455     3,489,660,929   3,758,096,369   0.077
    29      536,870,911     7,247,757,313   7,784,628,209   0.074
    30      1,073,741,823   15,032,385,537  16,106,127,344  0.071
    31      2,147,483,647   31,138,512,897  33,285,996,528  0.069
    32      4,294,967,295   64,424,509,441  68,719,476,719  0.067