I'm getting the following error while trying to call an action from my store:
[vuex] module namespace not found in mapActions(): feedbacksessionStore/
From other solutions that I found online people were suggesting to set 'namespaced: true', however it doesn't help for my case somehow.
Here is the snippet of my store code:
export const feedbackSessionStore = {
namespaced: true,
state: {
feedback_sessions: {},
actions: {
async createFeedbackSession({commit, state}, { data }) {
// some code
And the snippet of the component code:
import { mapGetters, mapState, mapActions } from 'vuex'
// some code
export default {
name: 'create-edit-feedback-session',
methods: {
...mapActions('feedbackSessionStore', [
// some code
As a solution to this problem you have to do tow things:
make a 'feedbackSessionStore.js' as a separate module by doing this code in store/modules directory:
namespaced: true,
state: {
feedback_sessions: {},
actions: {
async createFeedbackSession({commit, state}, { data }) {
// some code
add this module to the store/index.js like that:
import * as feedbackSessionStore from "@/store/modules/feedbackSessionStore.js";
after these two steps it should work.