I am reading the "mesh_implicit_domain" example from here
It uses a function wrapper to indicate the union of domains indicated by two functions(these 2 domains intersects and form a larger closed domain). But the cut view nearby on the page shows cgal's algorithm segment the mesh (i.e. clearly depict boundary of the two subdomains indicated by the two functions). I want a mesh without segmenting the whole model into different regions, simply make mesh for the new larger domain. Is it possible in CGAL?
After quickly looking at the code, the default constructor defines 2 subdomains which is why you have the boundary between them. Since I don't think the "OR" is implemented in this class.
I see two solutions:
- use only one implicit function and do the "union" directly in the implicit function
- Define your own domain, starting from this example and in the In_is_domain()
use the same index for both subdomains.
The first function is clearly the simplest.