Search code examples

NEST : Issue in getting data from search response (ISearchResponse) in ElasticSearch

I wrote a C# code using NEST, which makes search queries to my ES database. I can see these queries succeed and give a json response body through Postman. I want to use these responses in my code. For example,

ISearchResponse<class> myquery = client.Search<class>(...) (some successful api call)

The response body is something like:

  "took": 5,
  "hits": {
    "max_score": 1.2,
    "hits": [
        "_index": "sample",
        "_source": {
          "name": "generic name",
          "profession": "lawyer",
    "aggs" : {

I can get the "took" value here by doing myquery.Took. Similarly I can see the definition of ISearchResponse<> contains data members for MaxScore, TimedOut etc.

My question is, In the same way if I want to get the value of, say the name field or some bucket in aggr, to use in my code. How can I do this? Please Help.

Note : The Documentation only explained how to handle error responses and I can see in the debugger that probably .Documents is storing this somehow, but I'm not able to retrieve the data (or probably I can't understand how to). So please also explain how to get it from .Documents if that is the case.


  • The "_source" JSON object of each hit will be deserialized into the type T specified as the generic type parameter on Search<T>. In your example, "_source" will be deserialized into class, so simply define properties on class for the properties on "_source". For example

    public class MyDocument 
        [PropertyName(Name = "name")]
        public string Name {get;set;}
        [PropertyName(Name = "profession")]
        public string Profession {get;set;}
    var response = client.Search<MyDocument>();