I'm attempting to build a Factory class to return a given service implementation based on an Enum service key.
My registrations:
private static void RegisterPageMap(IRegistrator container)
RegisterPage<SchedulePage>(container, PageKey.Schedule);
RegisterPage<AccountsPage>(container, PageKey.Accounts);
RegisterPage<AccountDetailsPage>(container, PageKey.AccountDetails, Reuse.Transient);
// and more
private static void RegisterPage<TPage>(IRegistrator builder, PageKey key) where TPage : Page => RegisterPage<TPage>(builder, key, Reuse.Singleton);
private static void RegisterPage<TPage>(IRegistrator builder, PageKey key, IReuse reuse) where TPage : Page
serviceKey: key,
setup: reuse == Reuse.Singleton
? null
: Setup.With(openResolutionScope: true,
allowDisposableTransient: true));
The factory class is intended to resolve all of the Pages within the constructor and store them in a backing field for future use.
public sealed class PageFactory : IPageFactory
/// <summary>
/// DryIoc will resolve all keyed pages into the constructor in the format of a <see cref="KeyValuePair{PageKey, Page}"/>
/// </summary>
public PageFactory(KeyValuePair<PageKey, Page>[] pages) => _pages = pages;
/// <inheritdoc cref="IPageFactory"/>
public Page GetPageForKey(PageKey key) =>
_pages.First(x => x.Key == key)
private readonly KeyValuePair<PageKey, Page>[] _pages;
The problem is that when I land at the line _pages = pages
, the value being injected has Count = 0
and I'm not sure what I'm missing.
What do I need to do to implement this pattern in DryIoc?
From the first glance , you are registering your pages via implementation type TPage
but resolving the dictionary of the Page
You need to change your registrations to container.Register<Page, TPage>(...)