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tic-tac-toe ways to check if player has won

I'm still new to OOP programming and writing compact code so there probably something I'm overlooking, I'm trying to figure out a way to check for vertical wins and diagonal wins in tic-tac-toe, I have horizontal already.

If possible is there a way to incorporate the other two ways into something like what I already have?

#creates the gameboard that stores if spaces are open or not
game_board = [ [0,0,0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0,] ]
#0 = open space
#1 = O
#2 = X

#check for winners horizontaly
def find_winner():
    # y represents the y axis
    for y in range(3):
        if game_board[y][0] == game_board[y][1] == game_board[y][2] != 0:
            #returns if the X or 0 has won
            return game_board[y][0] 
    #returns 0 if no-one has won   
    return 0    


  • You can add more if statements like this:

    game_board = [ [0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0],
                   [0, 0, 0,] ]
    def find_winner():
        for y in range(3):
            if game_board[y][0] == game_board[y][1] == game_board[y][2] != 0: # Check horizontal
                return game_board[y][0]
            if : # Check vertical
                return game_board[0][y]
        if game_board[0][0] == game_board[1][1] == game_board[2][2] != 0 or game_board[0][2] == game_board[1][1] == game_board[2][0] != 0: # Check diagonal
            return game_board[1][1]
        return 0