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How to get iOS bundle id for Firebase?

I am trying to connect the Firebase project to my current react-native app (Windows 10 OS). I am following steps from

However when I try to add iso app, I need the iOS bundle ID of the project, but I seem not to find it.

The only thing I find, after 2 hours of research on Google, is that the info.plist suppose to have this data but mine got only this:


Does anyone have a solution?


  • that string is set in project.pbxproj. You can find it by global searching PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER.

    Or you can open the Xcode by opening .xcworkspace file and

    1. select the top project item in the project navigator at the left.
    2. select TARGETS -> General.
    3. Bundle Identifier is found under Identity.


    the ${PRODUCT_NAME: rfc1034identifier} is a formatted string with product_name.

    rfc1034Identifier: Replaces any non-rfc1034 identifier characters with a hyphen (-).

    BTW, you should set one yourself. FYI, using react-native-rename