I have a DataFrame I'm working with that split based on text wrapping. The description has been split over multiple rows, where the key data, in a separate column "Values" only appears in the first line of the description. I'm hoping to do two things:
I've been trying iterating through the rows, but with little success. Here is some sample code showing the problem dataframe (just an example):
import pandas as pd
a = ["This is", "the first", "line", "second", "line", "third", "line", "(no pattern)", "fourth", "fifth"]
b = [1, "", "", 3, "", 47, "", "", 1, 2]
df = pd.DataFrame()
df['Description'] = a
df['Values'] = b
I've tried a few things. Right now I'm just trying to get the loop to identify if "Values" has anything in it, here is the current, short, code i'm working with:
for index, row in df.iterrows():
if row.Values != '':
a = row["Description"]
b = row["Description"]
c = a + b
after working on this all day I got an answer!!! It does seem long-winded, if you have an alternate answer, please let me know. Here is my answer:
a_array = np.array([])
for index, row in df.iterrows():
if row.Values != '':
a = int(index)
a_array = np.append(a_array, a)
df['a']= a_array
df['Description'] = df.groupby(['a'])['Description'].transform(lambda x: ' '.join(x))
df.replace("", np.nan, inplace=True) # replace blank values with NaN
df.dropna(subset = ['Values']) #Drop rows with NaN in Values
This code works by iterating through the rows, and identifying the index when a value appears in "Values". I add that as a dataframe column, 'a', and then group by the value of 'a' joining all the strings with a space ' '.
Then the blanks have the NaN value entered (np.nan), and I drop all rows with a NaN in the column "Values".