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How can I do a nohup command using airflows ssh_operator?

I'm new to airflow and I'm trying to run a job on an ec2 instance using airflow's ssh_operator like shown below:

t2 = SSHOperator(
    command="nohup python &",

The job takes few hours and I want airflow to execute the python script and end. However when the command is executed and the dag completes the script is terminated on the ec2 instance. I also noticed that the above code doesn't create a nohup.out file.

I'm looking at how to run nohup using SSHOperator. It seems like this might be a python related issue because I'm getting the following error on EC2 script when the nohup has been executed:

[Errno 32] Broken pipe



  • Airflow's SSHHook uses the Paramiko module for SSH connectivity. There is an SO question regarding Prarmiko and nohup. One of the answers suggests to add sleep after the nohup command. I cannot explain exactly why, but it actually works. It is also necessary to set get_pty=True in SSHOperator.

    Here is a complete example that demonstrates the solution:

    from datetime import datetime
    from airflow import DAG
    from airflow.contrib.operators.ssh_operator import SSHOperator
    default_args = {
        'start_date': datetime(2001, 2, 3, 4, 0),
    with DAG(
        'a_dag', schedule_interval=None, default_args=default_args, catchup=False,
    ) as dag:
        op = SSHOperator(
                'nohup python -c "import time;time.sleep(30);print(1)" & sleep 10'
            get_pty=True,  # This is needed!

    The nohup.out file is written to the user's $HOME.