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Android worker - update and preserve state across retries

Kotlin/Android novice here :). I'm playing around with chunked uploads using a CoroutineWorker and don't see a built-in way to maintain state for my worker in case a retry happens, but I'm having sort of a hard time believing smth like that would be missing...

My use case is the following:

  1. Create the worker request with the path to the file to upload as input data
  2. Worker loops over the file and performs uploads in chunks. The latest uploaded chunkIndex is being tracked.
  3. In case of an error and subsequent Retry(), the worker somehow retrieves the current chunk index and resumes rather than starting from at the beginning again.

So basically, I really just need to preserve that chunkIndex flag. I looked into setting progress, but this seems to be hit or miss on retries (worked once, wasn't available on another attempt).

override suspend fun doWork(): Result {
    try {
        // TODO check if we are resuming with a given chunk index
        chunkIndex = ...

        // do the work

        return Result.success()

    } catch (e: Exception) {
        // TODO cache the chunk index

        return Result.retry()

Did I overlook something, or would I really have to store that index outside the worker?


  • As stated in GB's answer, there seems to be no way to cache data with in the worker, or do a Result.retry(data). I ended up just doing a quick hack with SharedPreferences instead.

    Solution below. Take it with a grain of salt, I have a total of ~10 hours of Kotlin under my belt ;)

    var latestChunkIndex = -1
    override suspend fun doWork(): Result = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
        try {
            // get cached entry (simplified - no checking for fishy status or anything)
            val transferId = id.toString()
            var uploadInfo: UploadInfo = TransferCache.tryGetUpload(applicationContext, transferId) ?: TransferCache.registerUpload(applicationContext, transferId, TransferStatus.InProgress)
            if(uploadInfo.status != TransferStatus.InProgress) {
                TransferCache.setUploadStatus(applicationContext, transferId, TransferStatus.InProgress)
            // resolve the current chunk - this will allow us to resume in case we're retrying
            latestChunkIndex = uploadInfo.latestChunkIndex
            // do the actual work
            // update status and complete
            TransferCache.setUploadStatus(applicationContext, id.toString(), TransferStatus.Success)
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            if (runAttemptCount > 20) {
                // give up
                TransferCache.setUploadStatus(applicationContext, id.toString(), TransferStatus.Error)
            // update status and schedule retry
            TransferCache.setUploadStatus(applicationContext, id.toString(), TransferStatus.Paused)

    Within my upload function, I'm simply keeping track of my cache (I could also just do it in the exception handler of the doWork method, but I'll use the cache entry for status checks as well, and it's cheap):

    private suspend fun upload() {
        while ((latestChunkIndex + 1) * defaultChunkSize < fileSize) {
            // doing the actual upload
            // increment chunk number and store as progress
            latestChunkIndex += 1
            TransferCache.cacheUploadProgress(applicationContext, id.toString(), latestChunkIndex)

    and the TransferCache looking like this (note that there is no housekeeping there, so without cleanup, this would just continue to grow!)

    class UploadInfo() {
        var transferId: String = ""
        var status: TransferStatus = TransferStatus.Undefined
        var latestChunkIndex: Int = -1
        constructor(transferId: String) : this() {
            this.transferId = transferId
    object TransferCache {
        private const val PREFERENCES_NAME = "${BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID}.transfercache"
        private val gson = Gson()
        fun tryGetUpload(context: Context, transferId: String): UploadInfo? {
            return getPreferences(context).tryGetUpload(transferId);
        fun cacheUploadProgress(context: Context, transferId: String, transferredChunkIndex: Int): UploadInfo {
            getPreferences(context).run {
                // get or create entry, update and save
                val uploadInfo = tryGetUpload(transferId)!!
                uploadInfo.latestChunkIndex = transferredChunkIndex
                return saveUpload(uploadInfo)
        fun setUploadStatus(context: Context, transferId: String, status: TransferStatus): UploadInfo {
            getPreferences(context).run {
                val upload = tryGetUpload(transferId) ?: registerUpload(context, transferId, status)
                if (upload.status != status) {
                    upload.status = status
                return upload
         * Registers a new upload transfer. This would simply (and silently) override any
         * existing registration.
        fun registerUpload(context: Context, transferId: String, status: TransferStatus): UploadInfo {
            getPreferences(context).run {
                val upload = UploadInfo(transferId).apply {
                    this.status = status
                return saveUpload(upload)
        private fun getPreferences(context: Context): SharedPreferences {
            return context.getSharedPreferences(
        private fun SharedPreferences.tryGetUpload(transferId: String): UploadInfo? {
            val data: String? = getString(transferId, null)
            return if (data == null)
        private fun SharedPreferences.saveUpload(uploadInfo: UploadInfo): UploadInfo {
            val editor = edit()
            editor.putString(uploadInfo.transferId, gson.toJson(uploadInfo))
            return uploadInfo;