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How to switch/update viewcontroller using one one Viewcontroller?

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let's say I have 6 different viewControllers with different contents inside it, and one mainViewController. And MainViewcontroller contains a collectionView iside it, and when one of its cells are selected, I would like to have another stand alone ViewController which handles the update and switch function to the corresponding (6 different Controllers, in this case) viewControllers.. I have implemented the storyBoard showSegue method so far, it is however working , but i think it is not clean and the most right way since storyBoard seagues look a bit messy with this method, Can anyone explain or guide me through this, how to go about it..?


  • In my opinion you should avoid putting many view controllers in one storyboard. I prefer using the Coordinator pattern. Here is an example:

    In my projects I use one Storyboard per ViewController and I have a coordinator that I can access from anywhere in the app. It makes your code super flexible. Give it a try...