Search code examples

Why @vaild annotation is not working in my spring MVC application? I searched a lot, but couldn't find solution

Basically it should return a message if the field is not valid. but in my case it's not working here!!

below is my controller class.

public class StoreController {

    private NearByStoreInterface getmestore;

    public StoreController(NearByStoreInterface getmestore) {

    @RequestMapping(value = "/nearbystore", method = RequestMethod.GET) 
    public String display(Model m) 
        final ControllerTolibModel userDetails=ControllerTolibModel.builder().build();

        m.addAttribute("user", userDetails);

        return "formTosubmit";

    @RequestMapping(value="/nearbystore", method=RequestMethod.POST)
    public String submit(@Valid @ModelAttribute("user") ControllerTolibModel userDetails,BindingResult errors,Model m) 
            return "formTosubmit";

        final List<StoresDetails> storedetails=getmestore.getmeStore(userDetails);

            return "nostores";

        m.addAttribute("details", storedetails);

        return "viewStoreDetails";

here @valid is not working. also below it's modelClass of controllerTolibModel .


import javax.validation.constraints.Max;
import javax.validation.constraints.Min;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotBlank;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Builder;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;

public class ControllerTolibModel {

    private String pincode;

    private Double radius;

    private String category;

Here it's a formTosubmit.jsp file. if it can help you understand more.

<%@ taglib prefix="form" uri="" %>
<h2> Enter details here...</h2>
<form:form action="nearbystore" method="post" modelAttribute="user">
Enter your pincode : <form:input path="pincode"/><br><br>

<form:errors path="pincode"  cssClass="text-danger"/>
Enter radius in KM : <form:input path="radius"/><br><br>
Select category of store : <form:select path="category">
<form:option value="all" label="all"/>
<form:option value="grocery" label="grocery"/>
<form:option value="garments" label="garments"/>
<form:option value="electronics" label="electronics"/>
<form:option value="Dairy" label="Dairy"/>
<form:option value="QSR" label="QSR"/>
<input type="submit" name="submit"/>

Thanks in advance !


  • You need to have an implementation of Bean Validation in your classpath for @Valid to work. For example, add Hibernate Validator in your classpath.


    compile group: 'org.hibernate.validator', name: 'hibernate-validator', version: '6.1.5.Final'

