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What is the right/secure way to pip install a private git repo on a Heroku app?

App structure (Python FastAPI):


In order to install a private git repo required by my Heroku app, I added the following line to my requirements.txt:


However on pushing, Github emailed me to say that since I had exposed my token in a commit it had revoked the token. (My app repo is private.) Totally fair! However, my Heroku build now fails, since it prompts for a password when attempting to install the private repo.

I've searched SO/the internet many times re: private repos, but have always come across conflicting suggestions.

Would be grateful to hear what is best practice in this case, for safely installing a private repo in an automated build.

What I've tried so far:

  • git+git:// instead of token obviously has the same issue
  • git+ssh:// - yields error Host key verification failed.
  • Store username:password (or token) as Heroku environment variables - seems from here that this isn't possible with pip

To expand on the ssh option, the following work on my local machine:

  • pip3 install git+ssh://
  • git clone

However when my requirements.txt contains git+ssh://, my Heroku build returns Host key verification failed. fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.


  • Finally got it to work. I'm indebted to Michel Blancard's answer and associated gist, and Bo Jeanes' custom buidpack:

    In requirements.txt:


    Convert my private SSH key to the (old) PEM format for Heroku(!):

    ssh-keygen  -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -m PEM -p

    (Credit due to this answer)

    Add private SSH key as Heroku variable:

    heroku config:set BUILDPACK_SSH_KEY="$(cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa)"

    Add this custom buildpack to run before the Python buildpack which enables a private SSH key:

    heroku buildpacks:add --index 1
