I'm looking for a way to get all plots of the variables without hitting enter each time.
if you're familiar with this function clprofiles of Kprototype, you know this message Hit <Return> to see next plot:
, i want to see all plots of the variables at once.
Now i've tried doing a 'for loop' after the instruction clprofiles(kpres, df)
clprofiles(kpres, df)
for (i in 1:length(t)) {
But it's useless. Thanks for your help.
In that case, you will have to override the default behaviour of clprofiles
. Add this new function my.clprofiles
to your script:
my.clprofiles <- function(object, x, vars = NULL, col = NULL){
if(length(object$cluster) != nrow(x)) stop("Size of x does not match cluster result!")
if(is.null(vars)) vars <- 1:ncol(x)
if(!is.numeric(vars)) vars <- sapply(vars, function(z) return(which(colnames(x)==z)))
if(length(vars) < 1) stop("Specified variable names do not match x!")
k <- max(unique(object$cluster))
if(k > 2) col <- brewer.pal(k, "Set3")
if(k == 2) col <- c("lightblue","orange")
if(k == 1) col <- "lightblue"
clusids <- sort(unique(object$cluster))
if(length(col) != max(clusids)) warning("Length of col should match number of clusters!")
for(i in vars){
boxplot(x[,i]~object$cluster, col = col, main = colnames(x)[i])
legend("topright", legend=clusids, fill = col)
tab <- table(x[,i], object$cluster)
for(j in 1:length(object$size)) tab[,j] <- tab[,j]/object$size[j]
barplot(t(tab), beside = TRUE, main = colnames(x)[i], col = col)
And then you can call it once without having to hit Enter:
which produces the same plot as in the first answer.