Here is an ASP.NET Core nuget package decompiled by JustDecompile, I can't understand the usage of <>c.<>9
. I found that they have no declaration, it's very strange, the Nuget package name is Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Physical
and the class file name is PhysicalFilesWatcher
This is a part of some identifier in some compiler generated code (C# does not allow developer to use <
and >
in identifier names, while the IL does). There are multiple language features in C# which are expanded by compiler into code, for example await
's, auto-properties, yield return
's, closures and others.
In this case based on my decompilation it seems that it is compiler generated code for this Action
private static readonly Action<object> _cancelTokenSource = state => ((CancellationTokenSource)state).Cancel();
Which is initialized in generated static constructor via something like this:
PhysicalFilesWatcher._cancelTokenSource = new Action<object>((object) PhysicalFilesWatcher.'<>c.<>9, __methodptr(<. cctor>b__43_0));
private sealed class <>c
public static readonly PhysicalFilesWatcher.<>c <>9;
static <>c()
PhysicalFilesWatcher.<>c <>9 = new PhysicalFilesWatcher.<>c();
public <>c()
internal void <. cctor>b__43_0(object state)
((CancellationTokenSource) state).Cancel();