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Controller not processing Path Variable correctly - Spring boot

I have a list of customers who have some orders and I display them all in a table. I have added a button in order to delete each order if desired.

This is the table of how I display them.

<table id="customers">
        <div th:each="customer : ${customers}">
            <td th:text="${}" style="font-weight: bold;"></td>
          <tr th:each="order : ${customer.orders}" >
            <td th:text="${}">
                <a th:href="@{/manager/customer/{cid}(cid=${})/order/{oid}(oid=${})}" class="button">Remove order</a>

In my Controller class I have the method where I process the deletion.

    public String deleteCustomerOrder(@PathVariable(value="cid") Long cid, @PathVariable(value="oid") Long oid, Model model) {

        Customer c = customerService.findCustomerById(cid);
        //do stuff

        return "/manager/customerOrders";

When I try to delete a specific order I get the following error

Failed to convert value of type 'java.lang.String' to required type 'java.lang.Long'; nested exception is java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "{cid}(cid=${})"

The path looks like this: http://localhost:8080/manager/customer/%7Bcid%7D(cid=$

Am I doing something wrong in the way that I get the IDs?


  • All parameters should be defined together. Change href as follows:

    <a th:href="@{/manager/customer/{cid}/order/{oid}(cid=${}, oid=${})}" class="button">Remove order</a>

    See section Adding parameters in Thimeleaf documantation or in this tutorial