I have come across mongodb reactive streams drivers and they seem to be pretty good for asynchronous operations. Also, for every operation we do, we need to specify a subscriber for that. My query is whether we should create a different subscriber instance for every operation we do. For example, consider this snippet from mongodb docs
// 1. Ordered bulk operation - order is guaranteed
subscriber = new PrintSubscriber<BulkWriteResult>("Bulk write results: %s");
Arrays.asList(new InsertOneModel<>(new Document("_id", 4)),
new InsertOneModel<>(new Document("_id", 5)),
new InsertOneModel<>(new Document("_id", 6)),
new UpdateOneModel<>(new Document("_id", 1),
new Document("$set", new Document("x", 2))),
new DeleteOneModel<>(new Document("_id", 2)),
new ReplaceOneModel<>(new Document("_id", 3),
new Document("_id", 3).append("x", 4)))
In this, its only doing some bulk write operations. If I am doing these operations for batches in a loop like this
while(someresultset.hasNext()) {
if(list.size() >= 10000)
doWrites() // can I use same subscriber instance declared outside of this loop or I should create the subscriber instance every time?
list = new list()
My query is whether we should create a different subscriber instance for every operation we do
Yes, you must create a different subscriber instance each time you subscribe. You're subscribing to a reactive streams publisher, which states:
should only subscribe once to a singlePublisher