I worked on a simple exercise where i have to ask some mathematical questions and the user need to respond using integer values and I did everything except for the part where when something else than an integer is used i get an infinite loop... I can stop it using a break but i want to be able to ask again the user to input a integer.
Here"s the code, (I use this website to test my code [https://repl.it/languages]) if I could get some insight on it it would be awesome ! Thanks !
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
char ft_op()
char lop[4] = "+-/*";
int rop = rand() % 4;
char op = lop[rop];
return op;
int ft_result(int nb1, int nb2, char op)
int result = 0;
if (op == '+')
result = nb1 + nb2;
else if (op == '-')
result = nb1 - nb2;
else if (op == '/')
result = nb1 / nb2;
result = nb1 * nb2;
return result;
int main(void)
int nb1;
int nb2;
char op;
int uresult;
int result;
int nbq = 1;
int grade = 0;
while (nbq < 11)
nb1 = rand()%101;
nb2 = rand()%101;
op = ft_op();
result = ft_result(nb1,nb2,op);
printf("\nQuestion %d : Calculez %d %c %d = ",nbq, nb1, op, nb2);
if (scanf("%d", &uresult) != 1)
printf("\nErreur de saisie. Veuillez recommencer.\n");
nbq = nbq + 1;
if (result == uresult)
grade = grade + 1;
printf("\nBravo vous avez deviné juste !\n");
printf("\nPas de chance, votre résultat est %d et le bon résultat %d\n",uresult, result);
printf("\nVotre note finale est de %d/10", grade);
return 0;
You need to clear/absorb the input stream when the input is not a number.
int c
while ((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF);
The loop above will keep taking a char
from the input till it finds a new line or the EOF (End of file). It doesn't need to do anything with the input so there is no body block.
Replace break;
with continue;
if (scanf("%d", &uresult) != 1) {
printf("\nErreur de saisie. Veuillez recommencer.\n");
int c
while ((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF);