I'm trying to fetch multiple messages from a room. Some messages may have been deleted so attempting to fetch them would result in an error...
const keyPromises = data.map(async(pack) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
console.log("Checking " + pack.msgID);
client.guilds.cache.find(g => g.name === mainGuild).channels.cache.find(c => c.name === 'room').messages.fetch(pack.msgID)
.then(fetched => {
// Nothing is printed after catching the first error... Why?
resolve(fetched.attachments.first().url + '\n');
.catch(() => {
console.log("> " + pack.msgID + " was not found!");
// it doesn't continue checking the other ids after catching the first error. Why?!
The problem is that the mapping function hangs after catching the first error even though it should continue executing...
The output:
Checking 707897580784320605
Checking 707899109477974037
Checking 710851524217143336
Checking 716151973291884575
> 707897580784320605 was not found!
Thanks in advance
I was getting rate limited by discord. I solved the problem by adding timeouts into the promises. Thanks everyone.