I want to get the mouse position in a plot via a callback function using bokeh server. A solution for the latest bokeh version 2.0.2 would be great.
So far I found this old solution which does not work any more due to deprecation of the tool_events attribute in the figure object.
I have found this javascript example which does not work for the boekh server context.
Has someone an idea how to achieve this with bokeh?
If you want to get mouse position after every move, regardless of whether the cursor is over any glyph, you can just listen to the mousemove
from bokeh.events import PointEvent
from bokeh.io import curdoc
from bokeh.plotting import figure
p = figure()
p.circle(0, 0)
def on_mouse_move(event: PointEvent):
print(event.x, event.y, event.sx, event.sy)
p.on_event('mousemove', on_mouse_move)
Also mouseenter
and mouseleave
may be of interest to you.