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How to send a message from an RSU (Omnet++ VEINS)?

I am trying to implement functionality for RSU message forwarding to neighboring RSUs upon receiving a message from a car.

When looking at the RSU node, there is only a veinsradioIn gate which forwards into the NIC radioIn gate. At the RSU application type implementation side (DemoBaseApplLayer), I see that the handleLowerMsg function will cast the message among the message option types (bsm, wsa, wsm). I do not see something for sending a message. Also, I do not see a veinsradioOut gate in the RSU module.

How can I send messages from the RSU? And to take it a step further, how can I distinguish a message that is sent from an RSU compared to a node (car)?


  • The DemoBaseApplLayer extends another class. In that class, there are the functions to send down and send down with delay.