im currently facing an issue with eel and multiprocessing opening multiple eel windows when an external python script executes that uses multiprocessing.
From that starts my app) i import as i use its functionality in part part of the application and for speed requires the use of multiprocessing.
START.PY (putting a snippet as its way to long)
import eel
#import ... other imports(NO multiprocessing here)
sys.path.append(os.getcwd() + "/web/partials/")
import partials
#... several non relevant functions are here...
APP ={#...dict with all the keys seen below...}
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Start the application and pass all initial params below from APP dict
eel.start(APP["start_html"], host=APP["host"], size=APP["size"], mode=APP["mode"], port=APP["port"])
except (SystemExit, MemoryError, KeyboardInterrupt):
# Handle bottle errors, in all cases call a function close of all remaining windows
import eel
import os
import re
import socket
import ntc_templates
from mac_vendor_lookup import MacLookup, BaseMacLookup
import netmiko
from netmiko import Netmiko, NetMikoAuthenticationException, NetMikoTimeoutException
import concurrent.futures
def device_details_builder_mp():
#... code that will run with multiprocessing from every entry in device_data below...
def device_details_search(site, user, password, device_data):
# Init list that will hold all the final data
final_device_details = []
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor_detail:
results_details = [executor_detail.submit(device_details_builder_mp, device, site, user, password) for device in device_data]
for result_detail in concurrent.futures.as_completed(results_details):
So i think my issue is the way im importing into, if i run and use the app and trigger the feature that uses multiprocessing which gets called from the java-script side it just works.
The issue happens when i pack the app and execute it from an .exe when i use the feature that use multiprocessing it doesn't work and it opens multiple eel windows, Was reading that multiprocessing re imports everything again but i couldn't figure that out exatly, i saw this as well:
Hoping someone can assist me in how to better import into so it doesn't cause the issue with multiprocessing.
That time when a single line does it.
Added multiprocessing.freeze_support()
in the if name == "main":
and after packing, multiprocessing works fine.
I wasnt looking in the right place, it was not an eel issue but a PyInstaller one