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GitHub overriding markup language?

I'm using a markup language called AsciiDoc (*.adoc). I'd like to name my *.adoc files as *.txt [^1]. However, then GitHub (of course) doesn't draw .txt files as .adoc files.

So I tried to override the file types using .gitattributes as this:

*.txt linguist-language=AsciiDoc

But it didn't work. Any help? Thanks.

[^1]: Since Dropbox doesn't support editing .adoc files, I'm using .txt for AsciiDoc files.


  • It seems that linguist-language correctly syntax highlight the file but fail to render markup. I've found that emacs and vim modelines actually works for rendering markup though.

    So a workaround would be to add the following in each txt files :


    or if you prefer emacs :

    -*- mode: asciidoc;-*-

    Checkout this gist