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Android Paging Library - Map Room DataSource.Factory<*, DatabaseModel> to DataSource.Factory<*, PresenterModel>

I use two models in my app:

  1. Database
  2. Presenter (UI)

Android Paging gives me a DataSource.Factory<*, DatabaseModel>

interface ProjectDao {
    @Query("SELECT * FROM project")
    fun getAllProjects(): DataSource.Factory<Int, DatabaseModel>

When I want to make the LiveData using LivePagedListBuilder(dataSourceFactory, config) I need to map:

DataSource.Factory<*, DatabaseModel> -|----> DataSource.Factory<*, PresenterModel>

Is there any way possible to achieve this. I'm also open to here any approach done using RxKotlin (RxJava).


  • Here is how i have done done it

    Data Source

    fun getDataSource(): DataSource.Factory<Int, DBModel> {
         return database.dao.getAllData()

    variable at view model

    val scannedCompleteList=App.getRepository().getDataSource().toLiveData(
                        pageSize = 60,
                        enablePlaceholders = true,
                        maxSize = 200

    Now i have a binding adapter where i convert the data from db model to domain model

    fun setImageScanned(recyclerView: RecyclerView, data: List<DBModel>?) {
            val adapter = recyclerView.adapter as MyAdapter

    So you are observing data at fragment so you can convert the data to presenter inside observer. asDomainModel is an extension function which do the conversion