I tried packaging a simple ElectronJS app i created using electron-builder and electron-packager which resulted in a file that is not runnable. when i click on the icon of the app, nothing happens, no errors and no running.
App is running fine locally and shows a notificaiton when starting as well as a tray icon.
Here is the full code if anyone wants to have a look:
Note that i was able to package other sample apps so the issue most likely in my project only.
Please check my comments about why your app is not working even the app has been packaged correctly.
// This is wrong
// win.loadFile('Views/index.html')
// This will be aboluste path after packaging the app.
// So the app will look from the root directory.
// Not inside the app.
win.loadFile(path.join(__dirname, 'Views/index.html'))
win.on('close', function (event) {
// event.preventDefault();
// win.hide();
win.on('minimize', function (event) {
let AppTray = null;
// Same error
// const iconPath = 'Assets/Images/BatteryIcons/UnknownBattery.png')
// AppTray = new Tray(iconPath);
// After packaging the app there won't be assets on root directory
const iconPath = path.join(__dirname, 'Assets/Images/BatteryIcons')
AppTray = new Tray(path.join(iconPath, 'UnknownBattery.png'));
I've made full code on your repo and made PR.