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Electron App is not running after being packaged

I tried packaging a simple ElectronJS app i created using electron-builder and electron-packager which resulted in a file that is not runnable. when i click on the icon of the app, nothing happens, no errors and no running.

App is running fine locally and shows a notificaiton when starting as well as a tray icon.

Here is the full code if anyone wants to have a look:

Note that i was able to package other sample apps so the issue most likely in my project only.


  • Please check my comments about why your app is not working even the app has been packaged correctly.

      // This is wrong
      // win.loadFile('Views/index.html')
      // This will be aboluste path after packaging the app.
      // So the app will look from the root directory.
      // Not inside the app.
      win.loadFile(path.join(__dirname, 'Views/index.html'))
      win.on('close', function (event) {
        // event.preventDefault();
        // win.hide();
      win.on('minimize', function (event) {
      let AppTray = null;
      // Same error
      // const iconPath = 'Assets/Images/BatteryIcons/UnknownBattery.png')
      // AppTray = new Tray(iconPath);
      // After packaging the app there won't be assets on root directory
      const iconPath = path.join(__dirname, 'Assets/Images/BatteryIcons')
      AppTray = new Tray(path.join(iconPath, 'UnknownBattery.png'));

    I've made full code on your repo and made PR.