There is a sealed-class Result, which is parameterized with two types - success result (T) and error type (R).
It is inheritered by two classes:
a. Success - data class, accepts object T in the constructor
b. Error - data class, accepts object R in the constructor
I need to create a function, which returns Result object. The function has to be created in a way:
Result<Number, String>
Result<Any, String>
Result<Int, CharSequence>
Result<Int, Any>
That is class Result must be covariant on T parameter and invariant on R parameter.
You can use the declaration-site variance provided by Kotlin in the declaration of your Result class.
-> By default T is invariantout T
-> makes T covariantin T
-> makes T contavariantExample:
sealed class Result<out T, R>(val left: T? = null, val right: R? = null) {
class Success<T, R>(data: T) : Result<T, R>(left = data)
class Error<T, R>(data: R) : Result<T, R>(right = data)
fun main() {
val res1 = Result.Success<String, Int>("Test")
val res2: Result<Any, Int> = res1 // compiles successfully, T is covariant
val res3: Result<String, Any> = res1 // doesn't compile, R is invariant (Type Mismatch)
A function can return Result as:
fun returnResult(): Result<String, Int> {
val random = Random.nextBoolean() // random, for demonstration
retrun if(random) {
Result.Success("Success Example")
} else {