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Git alias to prefix personal repo information automatically on clone?

I would like to write an alias, either in git or in bash/zsh, which allows me to automatically prefix all my personal information to clone one of my repos. That is to say, where I type:

$ git clone [email protected]:<username>/<repo>

I would just type

$ git <alias> <repo>


$ <alias> <repo>

and the alias would take care of the rest.

I have tried doing this with git alias and I have tried doing this with a regular zsh alias, neither of them expanded properly. I was thinking maybe I could try a function, but I haven't gotten that far (I'm not very good with BASH).


  • You can do this automatically with Git's URL rewriting feature. You can add something like this to your .gitconfig:

    [url "[email protected]:bk2204/"]
        insteadOf = gh:

    Then, just clone with git clone gh:repo.git and everything works. Best of all, if you later decide you'd rather use HTTPS, you can do that by just swapping the URL.