I'm trying to assign a class to values if they are in a certain range. Here is an example:
fieldArea = tibble(TotalFieldArea= runif(100000) * 1000)
fieldArea %<>%
mutate(Segment2019 = if_else(TotalFieldArea < 99, "Very_Small",
if_else(TotalFieldArea < 199, "Small",
if_else(TotalFieldArea < 499, "Medium",
if_else(TotalFieldArea < 999, "Large", "Key_Account")))))
I just wonder if there is a way of simplifying the code in dplyr with something like:
# Designing rules
class_rule = c(0, 99, 199, 499, 999)
classes = c("Very_Small", "Small", "Medium", "Large", "Key_Account")
# Applying rules - (Imaginary Code)
fieldArea %<>% mutate(Segment2019 = classes %in% TotalFieldArea < class_rule)
The classes should be assigned if they fall in the range.
We can use cut
fieldArea %>%
mutate(Segment2019 = cut(TotalFieldArea, breaks = c(class_rule, Inf),
labels = classes))