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Can you directly access the cache using assembly?

Caching is a core thing when it comes to efficiency.

I know that caching usually happens automatically.

However, I'd like to control cache usage myself, because I think that I can do better than some heuristics that don't know the exact program.

Therefore I would need assembly instructions to directly move to or from cache memory cells.


movL1 address content

I know that there are some instructions that give the "caching system" hints, but I'm not sure if that's enough because the hints could be ignored or they maybe aren't sufficient to express anything expressable by such a move to/from cache order.

Are there any assemblers that allow for complete cache control?

Side note: why I'd like to improve caching:

consider a hypothetical CPU with 1 register and a cache containing 2 cells.

consider the following two programs:

(where x,y,z,a are memory cells)

"move 1 to x"
"move 2 to y"
"move 3 to z"
"move 4 to a"
"move z to x"
"move y to x"

"move 1 to x"
"move 2 to y"
"move 3 to z"
"move 4 to a"
"move a to x"
"move y to x"

In the first case, you'd use the register and the cache for x,y,z (a is only written to once) In the second case, you'd use the register and the cache for a,x,y (z is only written to once)

If the CPU does the caching, it simply can't decide ahead of time which of the two above cases it's facing.

It has to decide for each of the memory cells x,y,z if its contents should be cached before it knows if the program executed, is no. 1 or no. 2, because both programs start out the same.

The programmer on the other hand knows ahead of time which memory cells are reused, and when they are reused.


  • On most microarchitectures for most ISAs, no, you can't pin a line in cache to stop it from being evicted. The only way to use cache is as a transparent cache that you load/store through.

    Of course, a normal load will definitely bring a cache line into L1d cache, at least temporarily. Nothing stops it from being evicted later, though. e.g. on x86-64: mov eax, [rdi] instead of prefetcht0 [rdi].

    Before dedicated prefetch instructions existed, using a plain load as a prefetch was sometimes done (e.g. ahead of some loop-bounds calculations before entering a loop that would start looping over an array). For performance purposes, best-effort software prefetch instructions that the CPU can ignore are usually better.

    A plain load has the downside of not being able to retire from the out-of-order back-end until the loaded data actually arrives. (At least I think it can't on x86 CPUs with x86's strongly ordered memory model. Weakly-ordered ISAs that allow out-of-order loads might let the load retire even if it hasn't truly completed yet.) Software prefetch instructions exist to allow prefetch as a hint without bottlenecking the CPU on waiting for the load to finish.

    On modern x86, forced eviction of a cache is possible. NT stores guarantee that on Pentium-M or newer, or CPUs after Pentium-M, I forget which. Also, clflush and clflushopt exist specifically for that.

    clflush is not just a hint that the CPU can drop; it guarantees correctness for non-volatile DIMMs like Optane DC PM. Why does CLFLUSH exist in x86?

    Being guaranteed, not just a hint, makes it slow. You generally don't want to do this for performance. As @old_timer says, burning instructions / cycles micro-managing the cache is almost always a waste of time. Leaving things up to the hardware's pseudo-LRU replacement and HW prefetch algorithms usually provide good results in the long run. SW prefetch can help in a few cases.

    Xeon Phi can configure its MCDRAM as a large last-level cache, or as architecturally visible "local memory" that's part of physical address space. But at 6 to 16GiB, it's vastly bigger than the on-die L1/L2 caches, or the L1/L2/L3 caches of modern mainstream CPUs.

    Also, x86 CPUs can run in cache-as-RAM no-fill mode, used by the BIOS in early startup before configuring DRAM controllers. But that's really just no fills on read or write, and read-as-zero for invalid lines, so you can't use DRAM at all when no-fill-mode is activated. i.e. only cache is available, and you have to be careful not to evict anything that was cached. It's not usable for any practical purpose except early-boot.

    What use is the INVD instruction? and Cache-as-Ram (no fill mode) Executable Code have some details.

    I know that there are some instructions that give the "caching system" hints, but I'm not sure if that's enough because the hints could be ignored or they maybe aren't sufficient to express anything expressable by such a move to/from cache order.