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how to switch camera source in kurento?

I am trying to add an option of camera switch in video call handled by KMS (Kurento media server) and I am digging throw a lot to their documentation and other sources but I find nothing useful

var options = {
    localVideo: videoInput,
    remoteVideo: videoOutput,
    onicecandidate: onIceCandidate,
    mediaConstraints: {
        audio: isAudio || call_settings.isAudio,
        video: isVideo || call_settings.isVideo


webRtcPeer = kurentoUtils.WebRtcPeer.WebRtcPeerSendrecv(options, function (

this is my code which is connecting throw peer and all media permission is handled by kurento itself so that I am not able to change the source of media location.

and i am not sure how to do it with kurento any kind of help is appreciable thanks in advance


  • You can pass custom mediaConstraints to the options or create stream by yourself and send it as videoStream in the options and skip mediaConstraints as mentioned in kurento utils js docs.

    For switching device / getting stream based on device, please refer below sample

    You can refer below doc for videoStream usage