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MvvmCross / MvxNotifyTask callback on task finished

Let's assume I have MvxNotifyTask used like here:

MyCommand = new MvxCommand(
   MyTask = MvxNotifyTask.Create(
      asyncAction: () => MyLoooongRunningAsync(),
      onException: ex => OnTaskException(ex)

MyCommand is executed after button click.
After MyLoooongRunningAsync I want to call sth like this (in short):

myTextView.Text = "task done";

Where should I put this call?
Does MvxNotifyTask support calling action after task is done?



  • It does not have that, but you can just wrap your task in another one and make the after action there, e.g.:

    MyCommand = new MvxCommand(
       MyTask = MvxNotifyTask.Create(
          asyncAction: () => MyTask(),
          onException: ex => OnTaskException(ex)
    private async Task MyTask()
        await MyLoooongRunningAsync();
        myTextView.Text = "task done";
