Search code examples

WebStorm - Default shortcut update, current line number highlighting

I'm using WebStorm 2018.2.8. I have the following questions:

  1. Search for a file is Ctrl + Shift + N, is there any way I can update this shortcut to other combination? If not can I update Search Anywhere (Shift + Shift) to search for file only?
  2. I see upcoming patches have a feature where the line number of the current cursor is highlighted, can I trigger this on 2018.2.8? See below image, number 25 (where the cursor is) in later patches would be highlighted (the second image).

    enter image description here

    enter image description here



    1. You can assign a custom shortcut to Search Everywhere and Go to file actions in Main menu | Navigate | Search Everywhere (note: in 2018.x, Search Everywhere is available in Other menu)

    2. there is a Line number on caret row in Settings | Editor | Color Scheme | General | Code option, but it is missing in 2018.x; you can customize the background of Caret row in Settings | Editor | Color Scheme | General | Editor to make it more visible