I am submitting a package to CRAN, that identifies breaks in a time series, for this in some functions of the package I do Montecarlo simulations. In order to guarantee same result for the same input from the functions that perform Montecarlo simulations, I set a seed inside the function. The CRAN moderator tall me: "Please do not set a seed to a specific number within a function."
The problem is how to achieve same result with the same input if no seed is set. Here is an example to understand the problem, in which function2
set a seed inside and the result is always equal compare max2
and max4
, instead funtion1
does the same but does not set seed and the result varies.
x <- c(1:100)
#Function without set.seed
function1 <- function(x,simulations = 100){
mn <- mean(x)
sd <- sd(x)
max_vect <- vector(mode = 'double',length = simulations)
for(i in 1:simulations){
x_aux <- rnorm(n = length(x),mean = mn,sd = sd)
max_vect[i] <- max(x_aux)
#Function that set.seed
function2 <- function(x,simulations = 100){
mn <- mean(x)
sd <- sd(x)
max_vect <- vector(mode = 'double',length = simulations)
for(i in 1:simulations){
x_aux <- rnorm(n = length(x),mean = mn,sd = sd)
max_vect[i] <- max(x_aux)
max1 <- function1(x)
max2 <- function2(x)
max3 <- function1(x)
max4 <- function2(x)
Agree with comments. Do this
myFunction <-function (x, y,z, seed = NULL) {
if (length(seed) ) set.seed(seed)
# the function guts