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Razorpay integration in xamarin forms

I am trying to integrate the Razorpay payment gateway from my Xamarin App. For which I have added RezaorPay Dll on the application and pass the needed parameters but problem is that it does not redirect me to the webview. 

I am sharing my code here. Kindly go through it and let me know, what are the changes required?

            Dictionary<string, object> input = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            input.Add("amount", 100); // this amount should be same as transaction amount
            input.Add("currency", "INR");
            input.Add("receipt", "12121");
            input.Add("payment_capture", 1);

            string key = "******";
            string secret = "******";

            RazorpayClient client = new RazorpayClient(key, secret);

            Razorpay.Api.Order order = client.Order.Create(input);
            orderId = order["id"].ToString();


  • You can add below code to show you view

    Activity activity = this;  
    try {  
        JSONObject options = new JSONObject();  
        options.Put("description", "My Sample Payment activity");  
        options.Put("order_id", "order_EAMgUyLXrMfbmL");  
        options.Put("currency", "INR");  
        options.Put("amount", "100");  
        checkOut.Open(activity, options);  
    } catch (Exception ex) {  
        Console.WriteLine("error in payment");  

    Callback methods.

    public void OnPaymentError(int p0, string p1, PaymentData p2) {  
        Console.WriteLine("error in payment");  
    public void OnPaymentSuccess(string p0, PaymentData p1) {  