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How can we specify dependency configuration values when creating a Helm application chart?

I'm creating a Chart for a web application that requires a Postgres database. As I understood dependencies are references to other charts that will be installed along with the one you define, e.g.:

# Chart.yaml
- name: bitnami/postgresql
  version: "8.10.5"
  repository: ""

My question is how can you specify the configuration properties (--set, or values.yaml file) needed not only in your application but also for each of the dependencies?


  • First of all, you should use name: postgresql and not name: bitnami/postgresql because charts are usually not prefixed.

    Error: bitnami/postgresql chart not found in repo

    You can override subcharts values putting them under chart name (in your case postgresql) in values.yaml

      postgresqlDataDir: /data/postgresql

    Or with --set postgresql.postgresqlDataDir=/data/postgresql

    More info in Subcharts and globals