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TypeORM, ManyToMany Get posts by category id (TreeEntity materialized-path)

I'm trying to get posts by category like a CMS does.

For example query post by categorie A will include all posts attached to Categorie A and also post attached to child of Categorie A.

I really don't know how to build this query, so any help would be greatly appreciated :) .

Here is my entities:

export class Category {
    id: number;

    title: string;

    @ManyToMany((type) => Post, (post) => post.categories)
    posts: Post[];

    children: Category[];

    parent: Category;
export class Post{
    id: number;

    title: string;

    @ManyToMany((type) => Category, (category) => category.posts)
    categories: Category[];

Followings SQL Query do the job(Example with category id 1)

    SELECT postId FROM post_categories_category as postCat WHERE postCat.categoryId IN (
       SELECT id FROM category WHERE category.mpath LIKE "1.%" OR category.mpath LIKE "%.1.%"

So the question is, how to convert this SQL query into a typeORM query ?


  • I just wrote a quick possible solution. I tested it and it should work fine. Just respond if it doesnt

    export class Category extends BaseEntity {
        id: number;
        title: string;
        @ManyToMany((type) => Post, (post) => post.categories)
        posts: Post[];
        children: Category[];
        parent: Category;
        async getPosts(): Promise<Post[]> {
          const categories = await getConnection().getTreeRepository(Category).findDescendants(this); // gets all children
          categories.push(this); // adds parent
          const ids  = => // get an array of ids
          return await Post.createQueryBuilder('post')
            .distinct(true) // dont get duplicates (posts in two categories)
            .innerJoin('post.categories', 'category', ' IN (:...ids)', {ids}) // get posts where category is in categories array
            .innerJoinAndSelect('post.categories', 'cat') // add all categories to selected post 
    export class Post extends BaseEntity {
       id: number;
       title: string;
       @ManyToMany((type) => Category, (category) => category.posts)
       categories: Category[];

    this method uses querybuilders

    aswell as the findDescendants function

    Hope this helps :)