I have multiple modules in my android project. I have one Gradle file which having code for ktlint. I applied that Gradle file to every module by writing this in the project Gradle file.
subprojects { subProject ->
apply from: "$project.rootDir/commonFiles/gradleScript/kotlin-code-quality.gradle"
now the problem is I can run ktlint on each module by giving their name in command like this.
./gradlew :cache:ktlint
but I need to run all modules ktlint at once.
Here is my open-source repository and pull request on which I need to perform ktlint action.
Sorry, it's my bad. ./gradlew ktlint
will always run on multimodule. I had some lint checks fail in the app module. I thought it is running only on the app module.
but when I fixed the app module's lint and ran the ./gradlew ktlint
. it jumped to the cache module.
I hope it helps you Thanks.