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How do I modify a column using Grails' database migration plugin's Groovy DSL?

Can you give me an example of a groovy changeset using the modifyDataType method?

I tried this:

databaseChangeLog = {
  changeSet(author: "user", id: "5-1") {
        modifyDataType(tableName: "test", columnName: "description4", newDataType: "int(11)")

But modifyDataType is not recognized. I also tried modifyColumn, but I get the same result.

The underlying question is: What kind of tags does the dsl support, and how are they used?


  • All Liquibase refactorings should work - the Groovy DSL mirrors the Liquibase XML. I didn't have a test for modifyDataType but added it to my test script and it worked fine - see

    It'd be useful to figure out what's wrong if you could show some information about how it fails.