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Python SWIG wrapper for C++ rvalue std::string &&

I'm trying to build a python wrapper for gnucash c++ parts. In QofBackend I encountered the method const std::string && get_message (). In python this message returns <Swig Object of type 'std::string *' at 0x7f4a20f5c9f0> instead of a string as in my setting as there is no swig typemap for std::string rvalue reference.

I didn't really find a simple explanation so I rebuilt an example setting and dug into c++ which I barely know. I managed to get the string into python but I'd like to know

  • if this typemap(out) approach is correct (also in respect of memory and error handling).
  • The conversion in set_s_workaround() is also just a workaround. I don't think that for gnucash the python code ever needs to set this value but for completeness sake it would be nice to also have a typemap(in) std::string&& and
  • get rid of get_s_workaround
  • get init_s_2 working.
/* example.hpp */
#include <string>

using namespace std;

struct struct1{
        string s;
        const std::string&& get_s();
        void set_s(string&&);
        void set_s_workaround(string);
        void init_s();
        void init_s_2();
        void print_s();

string conv_rvalue_string(string);
/* example.cpp */

using namespace std; 

struct1::set_s (std::string&& msg)
     s = msg;

conv_rvalue_string (std::string msg)
        return msg;

struct1::set_s_workaround(std::string msg)
        set_s ( conv_rvalue_string(msg) );

struct1::init_s ()
     set_s("Some content");

     std::string msg {"Couldn't find "};
     /* set_s( msg ); */

struct1::print_s ()

const std::string&&
struct1::get_s ()
    return std::move(s);
/* example.i */
%module example

%include "std_string.i"

%typemap(out) std::string&& {
  std::string s = *$1;
  $result = SWIG_From_std_string(s);

#include <string>
#include "example.hpp"

%include "example.hpp"
swig3.0 -c++ -shadow -python example.i
g++ -fpic -c example.hpp example.cpp example_wrap.cxx -I/usr/include/python3.7
g++ -shared example_wrap.o example.o -o 
import example

s1 = example.struct1()

Thanks for the help!


  • This std::string && typemap uses a temporary std::string that is passed to the method that takes a std::string rvalue reference.
    The fragment dependecies in the %typemap ensure that the used fragments are ready in the wrapper file. We simply use the fragments that are already provided by "std_string.i".

    /* example.i */
    %module example
    %include "std_string.i"
    %typemap(out, fragment="SWIG_From_std_string") std::string&& {
      $result = SWIG_From_std_string(*$1);
    %typemap(in, fragment="SWIG_AsVal_std_string") std::string&& (std::string temp) {
      int res = SWIG_AsVal_std_string($input, &temp);
      $1 = &temp;
    #include <string>
    #include "example.hpp"
    %include "example.hpp"