Can I change access or edit the values specified in Global.asax from IIS?? The reason is that I don't have the source code and the only change we need right now is to change the connection strings (database) specified in Global.asax.vb file.
Well, I was able to circumvent the issue. Not very elegant and might add to performance load, but was the simplest considering the work involved to recreate the project.
I created another aspx page and set the connection variables using the Application object in the Page's Page_Load, and then did a response.redirect to the previous default file. I was lucky as all code referred to the Application Object, and this was set only in Global.asax - had there been any code which directly specified the connection string - then I would be screwed!
The only overhead was that the Application_Start would be called only once - but overwriting those values with Page_Load will be called every time a request is made. Kind of trade-off I am ready to do.
I could not agree the previous answer as it mentioned the "Ideal" Case and the best practices - it did not solve my problem. The previous solution should be adopted if the previous sql server can be completely demoted.
Thanks Guys!