To build a reliable message queue using redis streams, i am using spring-boot-starter-data-redis-reactive and lettuce dependency to process the messages from redis stream. Though i am able to add, read, ack and delete message through the api available in ReactiveRedisOperations.opsForStream()
in the form of consumer group, i couldn't find an api to claim a pending message which are not acknowledged for 5mins though its available under this.reactiveRedisConnectionFactory
. But i don't want to have a boilerplate code to manage the exceptions, serialization, etc. Is there a way to claim a message using ReactiveRedisOperations.opsForStream()
Without spring data redis, using lettuce client library directly i am able to get the pending message as well claim a message as below
public Flux<PendingMessage> getPendingMessages(PollMessage pollMessage, String queueName) {
Predicate<PendingMessage> poisonMessage = pendingMessage -> (pendingMessage.getTotalDeliveryCount()<=maxRetries);
Predicate<PendingMessage> nackMessage = pendingMessage -> (pendingMessage.getElapsedTimeSinceLastDelivery().compareTo(Duration.ofMillis(ackTimeout)) > 0 );
return statefulRedisClusterConnection.reactive()
.xpending(queueName, pollMessage.getConsumerGroupName(), Range.unbounded(), Limit.from(1000))
.map((it) -> ((PendingMessages)PENDING_MESSAGES_CONVERTER
.apply(it, pollMessage.getConsumerGroupName()))
In order to claim the message, again i have used the api available in lettuce library
public Flux<StreamMessage<String, String>> claimMessage(PendingMessage pendingMessage, String queueName, String groupName, String serviceName) {
return statefulRedisClusterConnection.reactive()
.xclaim(queueName, Consumer.from(groupName, serviceName), 0, pendingMessage.getIdAsString());
At the moment, getting pending message from redis through spring-data has issues hence i have used lettuce library directly to get a pending message and claim it.