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Run Django shell commands on elastic beanstalk on AL2

I have my Django service up and running on AWS Elastic Beanstalk (on Amazon Linux 2). eb deploy works perfectly. But I would like to run some functions from shell of Django on by eb or maybe perform migrations on my DB.

I am unable to find my package after I eb ssh <environment-name> so cant find the file.

Related question - Run from AWS EB Linux instance

I believe it might be outdated ?


  • Change to the current app directory

    cd /var/app/current/

    Change to the staging app directory (only exists after a failed eb deploy)

    cd /var/app/staging/

    Activate the virtual env

    source $(find /var/app/venv/*/bin/activate)

    Load your environment variables

    export $(sudo cat /opt/elasticbeanstalk/deployment/env | xargs)

    Now you can run management commands

    python shell