is there a exec() / eval() function in C??
for example..
exec(printf(3 + 4))
eval(printf(3 + 4))
i've done this in python... but i don't know how to do this in C and C languages..
i understand that this might be harmful in python as it can take any input.. so to overcome that i came to C which is more strict
this is just a experiment i am curious to learn
an explaination would be appreiciated
i am using sublime text (just in case...:] )
Python is a simplified Lisp and in Lisp there is the eval/apply paradigm. In C this paradigm exists only inside the compiler. The compilation system of C uses eval/apply, also called the Maxwell equations of software. But at user level you do not interact with eval/apply, only if you write/develop in C a compiler for a language you cope with.
So in C you need to implement this yourself, in case you develop some language that is Turing complete (a Turing machine is equivalent with eval+apply cycle).