I'm using for first time the DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE pkg. I've try a simple operation: I've two table t1 and t2 and I'm tring to insert all the records of t2 into t1.
DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE.create_chuncks_by_rowid(task_name => 'myTsk1',
table_owner => 'mySchema',
table_name => 't2',
bt_row => TRUE,
chunk_size => 1000
DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE.run_task(task_name => 'myTsk1',
sql_stmt => 'insert /*+ parallel */ into mySchema.t1 (select * from mySchema.t2 where rowid between :start_id and :end_id)',
language_flag => DBMS_SQL.NATIVE,
parallel_leveò => 4
After the create_task
and create_chuncks_by_rowid
I see the job un chunked status in user_parallel_execute_task
and in user_parallel_execute_chunks
I see the chunks created.
When executed the run_task after few second the execution was completed.
If I check in user_parallel_execute_task
table all are set as UNASSIGNED.
So I checked the user_scheduler_job_run_details
and all_scheduler_job_run_details
for know the cause of the error but ERROR# column is 0 and ADDITIONAL_INFO is null. Added the exception trap but no exception was raised too.
As suggested @ConnorMcDonald by removing the parallel hint the task run correctly!
DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE.create_chuncks_by_rowid(task_name => 'myTsk1',
table_owner => 'mySchema',
table_name => 't2',
bt_row => TRUE,
chunk_size => 1000
DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE.run_task(task_name => 'myTsk1',
sql_stmt => 'insert into mySchema.t1 (select * from mySchema.t2 where rowid between :start_id and :end_id)',
language_flag => DBMS_SQL.NATIVE,
parallel_leveò => 4