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Is R Sandwich package not generating the expected clustered robust standard errors?

Load data

utils::data("InstInnovation", package = "sandwich")

df <- InstInnovation

Create group variable combining 'company' and 'year'

df[['cluster_var']] <- factor(paste0(df$company,"-",df$year))

Linear regression model

model <- lm(sales ~ competition + log(capital/employment) + year, data = df)

Why this:

lmtest::coeftest(model, vcov = vcovCL(model, type="HC3", cluster=~company+year))

Produces Standard Errors DIFFERENT than this?

lmtest::coeftest(model, vcov = vcovCL(model, type="HC3", cluster=~cluster_var))

Shouldn't cluster=~company+year and cluster=~cluster_var be equivalent?

In addition, I cannot find a place (e.g. Github) to report issues on R sandwich package, I found this but is just a read-only mirror:

Thank you very much in advance.


  • cluster=~company+year is indeed something different: 'multiway clustering'. I found the explanation here: